Meet Maxwell Park: James Owen

“It costs nothing to make your community a little better.”

In 2021, James Owen moved to Maxwell Park with his terrier Zara. On most days, you can see them walking through the neighborhood, stopping every half block or so to chat with neighbors. Originally from a small town in rural west central Wisconsin with a population hovering in the double digits, James remembers his first few weeks in Oakland. “People were waving and introducing themselves every time I was out walking Zara. It reminded me of Wisconsin! I didn’t realize it, but I was looking for that. And so it was nice to find that feeling here.”

Since then, James’ chatting and waving has evolved into deeper community ties. He organizes monthly ‘Community Table’ meals at his home, participates in the Maxwell Park Neighborhood Council, and leads clean-up efforts with the High St Coalition and McArthur Clean-up. For James, picking up trash isn't just a chore; it's a way to connect more deeply with his community.

When asked about his vision for Maxwell Park and Oakland in 2024, he points to a soft-sided blue wagon brimming with trash bags, thoughtfully prepared for clearing storm drains ahead of the impending rain."It starts with things like this. We may not agree on everything or solve all our problems at once," he says, "but we can continue building community. We can continue getting to know each other. Whether it's cleaning storm drains or helping a neighbor with new technology, every little act makes a big difference. It's easy. Truly. And it makes life easier and better for everyone.”


Degrees Plato Laurel’s Beer Garden


Alex the Cat