Board Election Results

Each year, the Maxwell Park Neighborhood Council (MPNC) elects half of its Board for a two-year term. This year's election was held at the MPNC meeting on July 10. Neighbors were elected for the Board as follows:

Vice Chair: Tom Van Demark. Tom is a long-time resident and block captain on Normandie Ave. Tom brings his professional background in pedestrian planning and safety for the City of Oakland and community organizing to the Board.  
Membership Secretary: Toni Bird. Toni resides on Birdsall Ave. She is committed to keeping our streets and neighborhood safe. She founded Safer Streets Maxwell Park and is a key member of the MPNC Public Safety Neighborhood Action Team.
Member At-Large #2: Annemarie Henning. Annemarie lives on Knowland Ave. In May 2020, she started the bi-monthly Maxwell Park newsletter; since then 25 issues have been published and distribution continues to grow. 
Member At-Large #3: Jan Hetherington. Jan resides on Maxwell Ave. She rejoins the Board after a short break, having served as Membership Secretary for many years and as an active participant on neighborhood projects, including tree plantings, monthly Adopt-a-Spot cleanups, and "Day in the Park." 

These new members join the existing Board members, currently one year into their two-year terms: 
Chair: José Dorado
Treasurer: Matt Hennagin
Member At-Large #1: Donald Dalke


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